Impact of vascular patterning on radiation response - contributed talk from ECMTB 2014

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So - I meant to try to use +Camtasia Studio to record my voice during this talk, which would have made following along much easier, but somehow, the meeting was so chock-a-block with content and excellent social outings, that I failed to download and sort it out.  Next time...

For now, here is a short presentation that I gave as a contributed talk at #ECMTB2014 in Goteborg.  It represents the meat of the second chapter of my growing (fingers crossed) DPhil thesis. My hope is that by finding a metric (Ripley's K) that predicts radiation response in our CA model (based on a simplification of a CA I worked on previously with +David Basanta which we published here), that we (or someone!) could translate this into histopathologic sections from patient samples.

This is essentially an extension to a poster I presented at the #PSOC meeting in DC in early April which I blogged about previously.  Please feel free to ask questions or make comments. I'll let everyone know once there is a proper #preprint available, and in the mean time I'll try to learn to use camtasia.

'Till then, here's the presentation:

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