The Inaugural R. Christian B. Evensen Professorship

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R. Christian B. Evensen, Alan W. Partin
and Edward "Ted" Schaeffer
June 9th was an eventful day for the Brady Urological Institute as we dedicated our newest endowed professorship, a milestone in the life of any academic medical department.  Over 100 family members, faculty, patients and staff gathered in the Welch Medical Library to honor Dr. Edward “Ted” Schaeffer as the inaugural R. Christian B. Evensen Professor and to thank Chris Evensen for his leadership support of the Brady Institute’s prostate cancer research program.  Johns Hopkins University President Ron Daniels accepted the professorship from Dr. Paul Rothman, The Frances Watt Baker, M.D. and Lenox D. Baker, Jr., M.D. Dean of the Medical Faculty and Chief Executive Officer of Johns Hopkins Medicine.  Dr. Alan Partin, the David Hall McConnell Professor and Director of the Brady Urological Institute, and Dr. Patrick Walsh, University Distinguished Professor of Urology, introduced Dr. Schaeffer and Mr. Evensen during the ceremony. The ceremony was followed by a dinner for Mr. Evensen, Dr. Schaeffer, and their guests.

At The Johns Hopkins University, endowed professorships are especially important to our ongoing mission of teaching, research, and patient care, Recognized as the highest honor Johns Hopkins Medicine can bestow upon a member of our faculty, the men and women who hold endowed professorships conduct some of our most significant research, attract bright and dedicated students, and bring considerable prestige to the Johns Hopkins name. The R. Christian B. Evensen Professorship marks the Brady Institute’s tenth endowed professorship.

Dr. Alan Partin introduces Edward "Ted" Schaeffer
and R. Christian B. Evensen at the Inaugural Ceremony.
Dr. Schaeffer is an international leader in the field of prostate cancer research and a fitting recipient of this honor. He recognized his family, including a grandfather who died of prostate cancer, as playing a critical role in his career and in his success as a prostate cancer researcher and surgeon.  Chris Evensen, an energetic advocate for the advancement of prostate cancer research efforts at the Brady and throughout the world, developed his own passion for the cause after he himself was diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer.  Both men embody the powerful positive impact that so often grows from intensely personal encounters with this disease.

Prior to the professorship dedication The Johns Hopkins Prostate Cancer Advisory Board met at Johns Hopkins. Presentations to the board included a “State of the Union” update from Dr. Partin, an introduction to the inHealth (Individualized Health) Initiative at Hopkins by Dr. Scott L. Zeger, and an update on Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques from Dr. Mohamad Allaf. Dr. Sam Denmeade also introduced the board to the “Trojan Horse” approach to treating prostate cancer, followed by Dr. Phil Pierorazio’s report on the Brady’s growing use of social media and Dr. Ken Pienta’s presentation on ongoing work in curing localized prostate cancer. The presentations proved inspiring: by the end of the day, the board had raised an impressive $125,000 among its members to support research efforts at the Brady.

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