NEWS: Fat may be a factor in vitamin D needs

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An interesting news article turned up just the other day: "Sun exposure unrelated to excess fat and vitamin D." The research article itself is only available to those without subscriptions to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism as an abstract of "Reduced Sun Exposure Does Not Explain the Inverse Association of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D with Percent Body Fat in Older Adults".

Here's the interesting quote from the Reuters coverage:

When people were divided into four groups based on their body fat percentage, the researchers found no difference among the groups in time spent outdoors, percent of skin exposed to the sun, or sunscreen use. 

But they did find that the people with the highest percentage of body fat had 20-percent lower blood levels of vitamin D than those with the least body fat.

What does that mean for us? Those of us packing more body fat may be less likely to benefit from what sun and supplementation we do get, so it's possible that we would benefit from higher (or some, if not currently getting any) vitamin D supplementation.

As D comes into greater repute (as it has been lately with the release of a number of interesting new research results), more doctors are willing to measure our circulating levels, and this is a good test for meeting needs since the population discovered in this study seems to be (maybe) sequestering the vitamin D in their fatty tissues instead of having it out and usable.

So if you're in doubt—and the heavier you are, the more doubt you can reasonably have—it's an easy thing to test. Way easier, of course, than developing osteoporosis or the many other things, including cancers, that are increasingly linked to vitamin D deficiencies.

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