Do we like other European Nationals?

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Our Meet-Up group in Bangkok now has over 600 members, and I couldn’t begin to count the different nationalities contained in the group. It’s like being at a UN meeting when we have our weekly lunches, and what a pleasure to be with some of the friendliest, most lovely people I've ever met.

When the UK voted by a majority to leave the European Union, many of our group saw it as a signal that people in the UK must dislike people in other parts of Europe. 
This couldn’t be further from the truth, and I’d like to explain...

For a long time now, there has been a growing resentment of our own ruling class. They listen to the wealthy, the banks and big business, but increasingly show a marked disrespect, even contempt for ordinary people. Whichever of the two main parties are in power, Labour or Conservative, it's made no difference, because whoever is in power, the same people are permanently in control at the very top. We do not live in a real democracy, just a carefully contrived system that gives an illusion of democracy. The BBC and other media are used as tools to ensure this ‘status quo’ is never broken, and for decades have been successful.

At last, the majority of people see through this, as they do right across Europe, and we are about to see massive change. So when we voted against Europe, it was a vote against this ‘ruling class’ who run everything for their own benefit. We wanted 'change' and would have voted for Mickey Mouse rather than these wealthy bureaucrats and their paymasters. They wanted us to stay in the EU, the only way we could reject them, was to vote ‘out’.  My guess is that the same scenario is developing in the USA, where so many people hate the current system, they will soon vote in Donald Trump as President. They just want ‘change’, at any cost, not more of the same.

The UK media are currently absorbed in destroying the reputation of Jeremy Corbyn, a great man of sound morals, not on the side of the banks and big business, but a man of the people who is standing his ground. If they succeed, then nothing will change and we'll go on with the same corrupt system, delivering to the rich while taking from the rest.

Everyone I know in the UK and Ireland, love the people of Europe and indeed, people of the World. We are a multicultural tolerant society who welcome people from around the World, and the UK is a special place to live because of that. Please don't judge us by our politicians and our broken system, we are trying to fix it. 

This man puts it far better than I ever could....

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